I may have to re-watch last nights episode of The Biggest Loser – for more than one reason.
Bob and Jillian really seemed a bit ‘off” if you ask me. They even admitted it, at least sort of. In an early scene – after the “Temptation” – they understood why people ate cupcakes. They understood why it was important. They didn’t take any contestants out behind the wood shed and work them down to a bloody nub. They said “We don’t like the temptations, but it is part of the game.” Seriously? There are contestants from previous seasons STILL licking their wounds from the beatdown Jillian put on them for eating a lesser nugget of love. That took me a while to get over.

The next one happened at Bob’s house. Bob invited a few people over for a catered (he admitted it) vegan meal. It was a wide array of oddity that I was intrigued by. The contestants did a quick calculation and figured out that nothing there had more than about 12 calories per pound and we eating like a pack of cheerleaders after their big competition. One of them commented how great it was, tasted awesome and was SO different from what she had at home – but it was more expensive! She said “There is a local pizza chain that sells a large pizza for $5”. NBC YOU #FAIL ON THIS! YOU SHOULD HAVE LET HER SAY LITTLE CEASARS! IF YOU WANT TO HELP PEOPLE – HURT THE PEOPLE HURTING PEOPLE… sorry – I got carried away there. Bob said “You know, I can’t compete with $5. I really can’t”. He said a little bit about how unhealthy and processed it was – how this was better and they talked about the need to teach her kids to eat healthy. He gave a few suggestions – like whole grain pasta and a bag of beans that don’t cost much, but I don’t feel Bob was as passionate as he normally is.
All in all – I felt a lot of the passion was gone. I felt that the girl who got scared by the temptation and shoved a cupcake in her mouth needed some help. I felt bad for her. She was scared and didn’t know what to do and ADMITTED IT… but at the same time, nobody worked with her on that. I guess I’m a little sensitive on that, I probably would have done the same thing – then strategized and attacked quite a few cupcakes. I did feel her pain though. As I said in my earlier critical comments about the biggest loser – I feel that the comercialism and the shock value of the morbidly obese has taken away some of the value of the show. It also seems as if Bob and Jillian have merged into a team – Bobillian of sorts. They too all of the middle qualities of each other and left off the extreme. Jillian’s insanity – Bob’s passion and caring – Jillian’s competetive drive. I don’t know how to describe it – but it’s not what it used to be.
All that said – I felt guilty … I’ve been to Little Sneakers plenty of times, becuase I was tired, stressed, awake, asleep, bored, excited, busy, lazy… I wouldn’t knowingly give Derek or Max a disease, but I knowingly feed them crap. I gotta work on that.