Today was the best and the worst

Sometimes, being an adult, you have to make the hard decisions.  You have to make the choice of life or death.  In this particular case, I had to determine the destiny of my very good friend, Tiger Patton.  I specifically say “Tiger Patton” so nobody gets any wrong ideas and decides to make jokes.  I know a few people have – and they didn’t understand – so I’m not mad.  I’m sad for my loss.

I have to share how it all went down and then go to sleep… or try to.

I couldn’t decide.  Thousands of dollars in bills, less money but an unsure procedure, or euthanasia.  I prayed about it and wasn’t getting that smack in the face sign I wanted.  I needed help.  I asked to see Tiger again.  They brought him in.  He was miserable.  He was meo-owning that’s a cross between meowing and moaning.  I got him to sit on my lap and we were “talking”.  I was sad and petting him.  His hair was shedding.  His bladder was the size of a softball and almost as hard.  I said “Tiger, I don’t know what to do.  I don’t know if you will stay sick? I don’t know if you are strong enough to make it.”  I blubbered on for a minute and Tiger stood up and walked away, he sat down in the corner and looked at me in a happy way.  He was a beautiful cat, he looked at me and I knew – he was giving me the sign I asked for.

I wont go into all the details, but I stayed with him until it was over.  We got a cute little paw print and will keep that.

Now – I’m sad.  I’m relieved.  I know that a cat who was plagued with painful issues is now happy, he is no longer sick.  The support from my friend and family on the phone, email, text and facebook has been awesome.

Tiger, I love you!

Tiger - a wonderful friend!

3 thoughts on “Today was the best and the worst”

  1. such a tough decision – good thing Tiger gave you a sign. you made the right choice, Scott, no matter how difficult that decision was.


  2. Scott –
    I am so sorry for your loss – that is such a hard decision to make but from what you wrote, I think Tiger was letting you know it was ok and he needed to move on and be out of pain. Your story touch my heart…sometimes the hardest decision to make end up being the right ones.
    Thanks for posting the picture of Tiger…so sweet.


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