So yesterday, we were working in the backyard, minding our own business (as most of my stories begin). I was cleaning up weeds, edging and such. Nothing major. We have a gas powered weed wacker that after several years, I can finally control REASONABLY well. I don’t get worried about using the beast. Well, I had a couple blades I saw … so I wanted to take care of them. Sarah was in the backyard as well… I fired up the weed wacker and goofed. Sometimes, the engine gets a little “stiff” so I pulled a little harder. It fired right up but the next .3 seconds of my life were really quite painful! You see my hand slipped off the “T-Handle” and that T-handle did what, for lack of better things, I will call “boobie-whipped” me! I grabbed my bousum and danced around the backyard. Sarah looked at me as if I was insane and thought I was being overly dramatic – maybe I was, but it HURT!
Well… an hour later after a good shower I saw my chest in the mirror. Below is a photo! (Fear not, I have censored this for your protection!

Man … that hurt! Still does and the mark is still there! So remember – wear your chest protector when weed wacking! The nipple you save may be your own!