Walk To School Wednesday

Last night – I was thinking about all the cars that line up at bus stops.  Parents waiting for their kids to get on the bus.  I posted a status on twitter and facebook that started a bit of a ruckus.  What can I say – I have a way of stirring the pot.  Well, a few hours later I was told it was Walk to School day tomorrow… (today, but that’s what I was told).  Well, I guess if I am gonna talk the talk – it’s time to WALK the walk!  Good times!

Derek Walking to school

Derek and I set off about 6:50 and walked at a moderate pace the whole way there.  It was a BEAUTIFUL morning.  Sixty Eight degrees, sunny, clear!  Awesome.  We saw a lot of people running – but NOBODY walking to school.  We saw the high school cross country team training – lots of really skinny kids running faster than I probably ever could… about 60% of them said “good morning!” to us.  This was turning into a VERY positive experience for Derek and me.  I was glad we did it.

I have to confess, I was wondering “is it really walk to school day?”  I asked Derek and he said it was “on the news” at school so I just guessed that the lines at the bus stops were long and people were enjoying the comfortable drive to work in their pajamas.  I got to school and dropped Derek off and began the walk home.  Along the way I saw a few people walking towards school, maybe 10?  Oh well – better than the number we saw on the way!

Organized Walking

About half way home I looked up and saw something COMPLETELY AWESOME!  I’ve put a few things together and found out there was a “flyer” of some sort that said y0u could meet at a local church that is about 1/2 way from our home.  They had T-shirts for some of the kids.  I’m happy and sad to say, they didn’t have ENOUGH t-shirts.  Sad, because some of the munchkins got shafted.  Happy because more kids than they thought would walk, actually walked!  I think that is awesome!

Listen folx, I’m a 42 year old fat guy that cuts some corner and has lived a fatty guy lifestyle for a long time.  I am by no means perfect.  I had candy to eat yesterday, I crave chips and salsa 24×7, I ride a bicycle instead of running – because it’s easier – but if I can integrate healthier habits into my life I’m going to go out on a limb and say you can too.  The fact that today, I included my son in my healthy habit makes me feel pretty good about what I did.

I don’t know if THIS was Walk to School Wednesday, or if every Wednesday is a walk to school day – but I think I will try to work it into my schedule regardless!