The good, bad, ugly and new

The Good:  We had a great holiday weekend.  We did all kinds of good things and even got a lot of time to relax too.  From pool parties to professional soccer games to lunch and dinner with friends – it really worked out to be a good weekend!  I think everybody enjoyed it. 

The Bad: I had hoped for a ‘mega-mileage weekend’.  While I got to ride on Saturday and Monday – as well as long on Friday, I duffed out on the long ride on Sunday.  I kind of regret that, but given the way I felt today – maybe that was good.  I think i’m starting to pay for all my miles.  About 8-10 days ago, I had a bike ride where everything just felt PERFECT.  I shifted right, I cornered better, my bike felt like it fit like a glove…. that was good.  I think I’ve “lost that loving feeling”.  Maybe today on the way home – I will be able to find it – without a big honkin pack on my back!

The Ugly:  I really didn’t have a good weekend of eating.  Well – let me rephrase that, I ate pretty well…. which isn’t good.  Too much grazing at parties, too much blind eating.  Kind of depressing – but it is what it is!  It’s only 1 weekend and it doesn’t erase all the other good efforts.

The New:  The item of the week is not food or exercise related – but life related.  I’m going to pay closer attention to traffic laws.  That may sound a little odd but I speed.  On a bicycle, I “california stop”, I take some “grey area” short-cuts and stuff.  I’m going to pay closer attention to the speedlimit and try to slow things down a bit.  I’m sure I wont be perfect on this – but I think it’s a good idea on MANY levels.  (Save gas, be safer, less strain on car, less stress)

Tomorrow is Walk To School Wednesday!  Looking forward to our walk!